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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Q: What Bleaches Better than Bleach

A: The Sun!!

I'm a little ambivalent about posting the following picture.  Part of me can hear my mom's constant reprimands and reminders to be "lady-like," and feels a little sheepish.  The other part of me is in arrested development as a silly middle schooler who delights in potty humor.  So here it is.  A picture of a poopy diapers.
 Of course, the fact is that as parents, our lives are riddled with poopyness.  And, being a cloth diapering parent, adds an additional degree of poopyness to one's days.  To be sure, i will eventually devote more posts to the cloth diaper subject.  But for now, i just want to share this little fact with you.  The above diapers had all of the poo poo rinsed off immediately after being removed from the Little One.  They went through an intense wash with hot water and an extra rinse. Still, the poo remained... :(  Now, do you really want to put the harsh chemicals of stain removers and/or bleach on something that will go against a sensitive babe's sensitive parts?  Not really.  Although i did try all sorts of stain removers in the early days of parenting.  Then, a dear hippy friend told me to just put them in the sun.  Well, we certainly have lots of sun here in the desert.  The diapers above were placed in a sunny spot in my back yard, and by day's end.....

VOILA!  Dazzling right?!  So next time your baby blows out more than seems humanly possible, or maybe you spill a little red wine (presumptively from the stress of dealing with said blowouts and all the other fun things) and it spills on your white shirt, try a little solar stain removal :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the poop stain pics. Very dramatic difference, eh? The sun is my friend. I have three shirts outside getting bleached as we speak. If the stain is very stubborn or has been "set" already (oops), I will still sometimes have luck w/ the sun if I re-wet the clothing item, and do it again. I like to see people's shocked expressions when they see for themselves how miraculous it is. :-)
